# Kasus Positif Corona Jadi 47.896 Orang #

Sumber Data Kompas.com

( Indonesia )

Pemerintah menyatakan bahwa penularan virus corona masih terjadi di masyarakat hingga hari ini, Selasa (23/6/2020). 
Hal ini menyebabkan jumlah pasien dan kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia terus bertambah.

Berdasarkan data yang masuk hingga Selasa pukul 12.00 WIB, ada 1.051 kasus baru Covid-19 dalam 24 jam terakhir.
Penambahan itu menyebabkan saat ini secara akumulasi ada 47.896 kasus Covid-19 di Tanah Air, terhitung sejak diumumkannya kasus pertama oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada 2 Maret 2020.

Informasi terbaru ini disampaikan Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan Covid-19 Achmad Yurianto dalam konferensi pers dari Graha BNPB pada Selasa sore.
"Kita dapatkan kasus positif sebanyak 1.051 orang, sehingga akumulasinya jadi 47.896" ujar Yurianto.

Menurut Achmad Yurianto, jumlah 1.051 kasus baru itu didapatkan setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan 17.908 spesimen.
Penambahan itu membuat total spesimen yang sudah diperiksa ada 668.219 dari 401.681 orang yang diambil sampelnya. Dengan catatan, satu orang bisa diambil spesimen lebih dari satu kali.

Data yang sama juga memperlihatkan ada penambahan 506 pasien yang sembuh setelah sempat terinfeksi penyakit Covid-19.
Mereka dinyatakan sembuh setelah hasil pemeriksaan dengan metode polymerase chain reaction (PCR) memperlihatkan hasil negatif virus corona.
Dengan demikian, total pasien Covid-19 yang sembuh hingga saat ini ada 19.241 orang.

Akan tetapi, Yurianto menyampaikan kabar duka dengan masih adanya pasien Covid-19 yang meninggal dunia.
Pada periode 22 - 23 Juni 2020, ada 35 pasien Covid-19 yang tutup usia.
"Sehingga totalnya menjadi 2.535 orang," ucap Achmad Yurianto.

Pemerintah memastikan bahwa kasus Covid-19 saat ini sudah tercatat di semua provinsi atau 34 provinsi di Indonesia.
Secara khusus, menurut Yurianto, sudah ada 442 kabupaten/kota yang terdampak dari 34 provinsi.

Jumlah ini bertambah dua kabupaten/kota ketimbang data yang diperlihatkan pemerintah kemarin.
Selain itu, pemerintah juga memperlihatkan data terkait jumlah orang dalam pemantauan (ODP) dan pasien dalam pengawasan (PDP) yang didapatkan dari hasil contact tracing.

Saat ini ada 35.983 orang berstatus ODP dan 13.348 orang yang berstatus PDP.

English )

The government stated that the corona virus transmission still occurs in the community to this day, Tuesday (6/23/2020).

This causes the number of patients and Covid-19 cases in Indonesia to continue to grow.

Based on data entered until Tuesday at 12.00 WIB, there were 1,051 new cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours.

The addition has led to an accumulation of currently 47,896 Covid-19 cases in the country, starting from the announcement of the first case by President Joko Widodo on March 2, 2020.

This latest information was delivered by Government Spokesperson for Handling Covid-19 Achmad Yurianto in a press conference from Graha BNPB on Tuesday afternoon.

"We get positive cases as many as 1,051 people, so the accumulation is 47,896," said Yurianto.

According to Achmad Yurianto, the number of 1,051 new cases was obtained after examination of 17,908 specimens.

The addition made a total of 668,219 examined specimens from 401,681 people sampled. With notes, one person can be taken more than one specimen.

The same data also shows that there were an additional 506 patients recovering after being infected with Covid-19 disease.

They were declared cured after the results of the examination with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method showed negative corona virus results.

Thus, the total number of Covid-19 patients recovered to date is 19,241.

However, Yurianto conveyed the sad news that there were still Covid-19 patients who had died.

In the period 22-23 June 2020, there were 35 Covid-19 patients who died.

"So that the total is 2,535 people," Achmad Yurianto said.

The government ensures that the Covid-19 case is now recorded in all provinces or 34 provinces in Indonesia.

Specifically, according to Yurianto, there were already 442 districts / cities affected from 34 provinces.

This number increased by two districts / cities rather than the data shown by the government yesterday.

In addition, the government also shows data related to the number of people under surveillance (ODP) and patients under surveillance (PDP) obtained from contact tracing results.

There are currently 35,983 people with ODP status and 13,348 with PDP status.
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