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( Indonesia )
Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan Covid-19, Achmad Yuriantomenyatakan bahwa penularan virus corona di masyarakat hingga saat ini.
Penularan virus itu menyebabkan kasus Covid-19terus bertambah hingga Senin (22/6/2020).
Berdasarkan data pemerintah yang masuk hingga Senin pukul 12.00 WIB, ada 954 kasus baru Covid-19 dalam 24 jam terakhir.
Hal ini menyebabkan kini ada 46.845 kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia, terhitung sejak kasus pertama diumumkan Presiden Joko Widodo pada 2 Maret 2020.
Informasi terbaru ini disampaikan Achmad Yurianto dalam konferensi pers dari Graha BNPB pada Senin sore.
"Kami dapatkan jumlah kasus positif sebanyak 954 orang, sehingga totalnya menjadi 46.845 orang," ujar Yurianto.
Menurut Yurianto, jumlah kasus baru ini didapatkan dari pemeriksaan terhadap 10.926 spesimen. Jumlah ini terbilang sedikit karena ada 20 laboratorium yang libur, terutama di rumah sakit.
Jumlah spesimen yang sudah diperiksa hingga saat ini totalnya ada 650.311 spesimen dari 393.117 orang. Sebagai catatan, satu orang bisa diambil sampel spesimen lebih dari satu kali.
Adapun, terdapat lima provinsi yang mencatat penambahan kasus Covid-19 dengan angka tinggi.
Jumlah tertinggi dicatat Jawa Timur dengan 315 kasus baru dalam sehari. Kemudian, disusul DKI Jakarta dengan 127 kasus baru
Berikutnya, Sulawesi Selatan dengan 111 kasus baru, Kalimantan Selatan dengan 89 kasus baru, dan Sumatera Selatan dengan 60 kasus baru.
Data yang sama memperlihatkan ada penambahan 331 pasien yang dianggap sembuh setelah pernah dinyatakan terinfeksi Covid-19.
Mereka dinyatakan sembuh setelah pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan metode polymerase chain reaction (PCR) memperlihatkan hasil negatif virus corona.
Dengan demikian, sudah ada 18.735 pasien Covid-19yang kini dinyatakan sembuh.
Akan tetapi, Yurianto masih menyampaikan kabar duka dengan adanya penambahan pasien Covid-19yang meninggal dunia.
Ada 35 pasien Covid-19 yang tutup usia dalam periode 21 - 22 Juni 2020.
"Sehingga akumulasinya menjadi 2.500 orang," kataAchmad Yurianto.
Saat ini, semua provinsi atau 34 provinsi di Indonesia sudah mencatat adanya kasus Covid-19.
Secara khusus, sudah 440 kabupaten/kota di 34 provinsi yang terdampak virus corona. Jumlah ini bertambah satu daerah dibandingkan data kemarin.
Pemerintah juga mencatat adanya 43.500 orang yang saat ini berstatus orang dalam pengawasan (ODP).
Selain itu, ada 12.999 orang yang saat ini berstatus pasien dalam pengawasan (PDP).
( English )
Government Spokesperson for Handling Covid-19, Achmad Yuriantomeny stated that the transmission of the corona virus in the community to date.
Transmission of the virus has caused cases of Covid-19 to continue until Monday (6/22/2020).
Based on government data that entered until Monday at 12.00 WIB, there were 954 new cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours.
This causes there are now 46,845 Covid-19 cases in Indonesia, counting from the first case announced by President Joko Widodo on March 2, 2020.
This latest information was delivered by Achmad Yurianto at a press conference from Graha BNPB on Monday afternoon.
"We got 954 positive cases, bringing the total to 46,845," Yurianto said.
According to Yurianto, the number of new cases was obtained from examinations of 10,926 specimens. This number is relatively small because there are 20 laboratories that are on vacation, mainly in hospitals.
The total number of specimens examined to date is 650,311, out of 393,117 people. For the record, one person can be sampled more than once.
Meanwhile, there are five provinces that recorded the addition of Covid-19 cases with high numbers.
The highest number is recorded in East Java with 315 new cases a day. Then, followed by DKI Jakarta with 127 new cases
Next, South Sulawesi with 111 new cases, South Kalimantan with 89 new cases, and South Sumatra with 60 new cases.
The same data shows that there are an additional 331 patients who are considered cured after being declared infected with Covid-19
They were declared cured after examination using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method showing negative corona virus results.
Thus, there have been 18,735 Covid-19 patients who have now been declared cured.
However, Yurianto still conveyed the sad news with the addition of Covid-19 patients who died.
There were 35 Covid-19 patients who died in the period 21 - 22 June 2020.
"So that the accumulation will become 2,500 people," Achmad Yurianto said.
At present, all provinces or 34 provinces in Indonesia have recorded Covid-19 cases.
In particular, 440 regencies / cities in 34 provinces were affected by the corona virus. This number increased by one area compared to yesterday's data.
The government also noted that there were 43,500 people currently under surveillance (ODP).
In addition, there are 12,999 people currently under surveillance (PDP).